Linda's story, and President Trump's touching response.
September 27, 2018
Dear President Trump,
My wife Linda and I bought and put into operation an ‘America First’ (so to speak) radio station in May of 2011. It’s by far the most conservative radio station in Michigan, maybe the entire country (ironically located in The People’s Republic of Ann Arbor, Michigan!). Our broadcast mission when we purchased the radio station was and is ‘to save this Republic not only politically but culturally and spiritually too’.
When Linda and I saw you come down the escalator at Trump Tower with your lovely wife and announce in one of the most compelling speeches ever that you intended to do the things you talked about for our country we both knew you were the right man for right now, President Trump. And we KNEW that we wanted to help and aid you in any way we could. We shifted into ‘let’s get this man elected’ mode. I do a daily three-hour talk show and it pretty much became a rolling campaign ad for you. Your daughter Ivanka and son Eric were on my show on two separate occasions, when they were campaigning here in Michigan for you.
The reason I’m writing you this letter is to tell you that my wife Linda didn’t survive to see all the wonderful things you are doing and will do for our country. I want to honor my wife and her legacy, part of which was her advocacy and vote for you. Throughout the last of her years she was a tireless supporter of you and your agenda, President Trump. Linda was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer in September of 2016. It had thoroughly permeated her liver and the plural linings of her lungs. She was given four months to live. To further make matters worse she was allergic to the chemo therapy drug treatment tried initially and all others going forward. Through quick work with a team of pharmacists, allergists at Boston Medical Center in consult with her allergist and oncology doctors at The University of Michigan Cancer Center she was able to take chemo treatment over nine hours. The same treatment would take almost anyone else half an hour to an hour at most. This required special scheduling, which we did through September and on into December. There was one scheduled treatment that she insisted be moved and rescheduled, she was adamant about it. It was the treatment scheduled for November 8, 2016. She said she could not take that day’s treatment because she had to get to the polls and vote for you, President Trump.
We stayed up into the next morning praying and watching for your win (we both knew you’d won almost as soon as the polls closed, even though they would not call it!). When they finally called the election for you Linda was overjoyed! We both knew that you were the only hope for this great country of ours. She KNEW that God had given us one more chance to save this Republic and take it back from the brink of globalism, euro-socialism. And Linda said just that many times on her weekly Saturday afternoon radio show, ‘The American Dream’.
My wife passed and was taken home March 15, 2018, 11:32 am. I was at her side in our home. My wife Linda was a warrior princess (that’s exactly what I called her since she came into my life in 2001). She was a non-stop fighter for America and the freedom and liberty our country has brought to this world. Given four months to live in 2016 at her initial diagnosis, she made it a year and half passed that. She, as I am, was constantly frustrated by the Republican party standing against you at every step of the way, President Trump. She was upbeat, hopeful and full of inspiration for all that met and knew her. And she always said she KNEW that you will prevail in the end. And she never lost faith in the Lord, ever. Right up to the end she comforted others with her uplifting faith saying, ‘Why should I worry? I’m going to look into the face of Christ.’
Please know that Linda prayed for you daily. She prayed for you, the First Lady and continued success in your mission. We both took very seriously the need to make America great again, to remember the forgotten man and to put America first! Please do not let any political push-back, any obstruction from either democrats or republicans get you down or get in your way, President Trump.
And again, President Trump, Linda and I KNEW and still KNOW that you are the right man for right now. Thank you, President Trump.
Sincerely and with undaunted support,
Theron E. Hughes